Being thousands of miles away from friends and family can sometimes make life a bit more of a struggle, here you can find information on everyone that is here to help, regardless of service, rank, age, gender or any other characteristic.
Charities, Trusts & Agencies
There are several welfare organisations and activities in BFC, links to each of the services are below. These links will offer points of contact and information from all of the listed parties.
Local Welfare Contacts
Welfare Housing
Welfare accommodation is booked on a priority system. You can book this for family and friends coming out to visit Cyprus, however, Welfare cases are classed as a priority. Further information and how to book is station specific and can be found at the links below.



Welfare Funding
There are many departments across a wide range of organisations that actively support the welfare of British Forces Cyprus (BFC) personnel and their families. Each organisation has a unique offer for the BFC Community, some of the organisations are on-hand to offer guidance and advice, others are keen to support welfare initiatives financially โ and some can do all the above.
The following list is not exhaustive but offers a strong handrail to guide the BFC Community through possible avenues of funding, organisations to approach, and their preferred method of application.
Internal funding opportunities
Headquarters BFC has two non-public funding streams that provide support to deliver welfare and community support across the BFC Community: the Accumulated Welfare Fund (AWF) and the Army Amenities Fund (AAF).
The specific purposes of the AWF are as follows:
- Promote the efficiency and retention of the Force in Cyprus, providing depth and meaning to the overseas offer. This is to be interpreted in its broadest sense and in practical terms is to be defined as for the benefit of all ranks serving in Cyprus.
- Provide funds for projects which have welfare and community support benefit for serving personnel. Family members and civilians may derive benefit from the projects if they are intended to benefit serving personnel.
How to apply
The AWF application form can be requested from your unit welfare and unit admin staff, once complete, the form must be submitted to your unit headquarters for their consideration. When your unit headquarters are content to support the request, the application should be sent to for approval.
The AAF receives an annual income from the Army Central Fund; known as a Command Grant. Welfare (incl sporting and recreational) is within bounds of the AAF.
In general, the AAF will not support items which should be funded by public funds, however they may support projects which enhance the public provision (basic / better / best principle). For example, the public should fund dining tables for Messes, but welfare funds may provide funds to purchase more aesthetic furniture. The AAF requires a minimum 25% contribution from the unit or justification for why you cannot contribute.
More detailed guidance regarding what type of applications can be supported is can be found on SharePoint via ACSO 3206 (please note this link can only be accessed through a MODNET device).
External funding opportunities
The Nuffield Trust
The Nuffield Trust for the Forces of the Crown is a Registered Charity (No: 210829) that finances recreational and welfare amenities and facilities that are likely to be of lasting benefit to the Armed Forces, but which are not provided by public funds.
For detail on how to apply, please visit: The Nuffield Trust – Our Grants
BFBS Welfare Grant
BFBS grants are available to support those amenities, activities and projects that promote the efficiency of the Armed Forces (both regular and reserve) but which do not generally attract public funds. They fall into three categories:
- Welfare Grant
- Sports Grant
- Adventurous Training Grant
For detail on how to apply, please visit: The BFBS Welfare Fund | About BFBS
Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust
The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust supports the Armed Forces Covenant by delivering funding programmes that create real change to Armed Forces communities across the UK and overseas. It is a charity and classified as a Non-Departmental Public Body.
The Trust manages the Armed Forces Covenant Fund, worth ยฃ10M each year. It has a varied number of funding programmes that provide support to Service personnel and Service units using targeted funding streams focusing on specific areas that are released throughout the year for units to bid for:
Sign up to the AFCFT newsletter to be informed when new funding initiatives become available.
Further funding opportunities & information
For more information regarding the different types of support available to the BFC Community, please consider visiting one of the following directly:
- RAF Benevolent Fund – RAF Station Grants Programme | RAF Benevolent Fund
- Army Benevolent Fund – Army Benevolent Fund
- Navy Benevolent Trust – Royal Naval Benevolent Trust | Royal Marine & Navy Charity
- Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity – Apply for a grant | The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity
- Army Sports Control Board – Funding | Army Sport
- RAF Central Fund – Sports Grants – RAF Central Fund
- Team Forces – Funding Application – Team Forces
- CESSAC – CESSAC | CESSA Housing Association
Or speak with your unit welfare staff directly:
Ay Nik: