Staying connected in Cyprus is similar to services in the UK. Below there is further information on getting connected when you first arrive and throughout your tour.


British Forces Broadcasting Service (BFBS) delivers TV in BFC. Personnel occupying SFA and SLA in BFC are entitled to a set-top box which enables access to various TV and radio channels.

To obtain a set-top box and viewing card on arrival in BFC you will need to visit one of the BFBS offices. SP will require their military ID and UKBC and family members are required to produce their Status stamp. These can be found at:

– RAF Akrotiri (near the Forces store and open 9:00-12:00 Mon-Fri).

– Episkopi (in the HIVE on Dodge and open 09:00-12:00 Mon-Fri).

– Dhekelia (in the Amenities Centre open 8:00-11:00 Mon-Fri).

– Ay Nik (in the Forum open 11:30-13:00 Mon-Fri).

It is also possible to access BFBS TV online using either the BFBS website or the app, however please note that there are some restrictions on what content can be shown on the digital platforms internationally so you may not be able to view all programmes that are scheduled.


BFBS offers two radio channels across Cyprus. For more info, check BFBS Forces Cyprus ‘BFBS Cyprus’ is the live & local service with contemporary music, BFC local news and features.

BFBS Cyprus Location FMBFBS Radio 2 Location FM
WSBA 89.9 FMWSBA 92.1 FM
ESBA 99.6 FMESBA 95.3 FM
Nicosia 91.7 FMNicosia 89.7 FM
Ay Nik 107.3 FM 

BFBS Radio is also accessible online for more channels.


British Forces Post Office (BFPO) Mailing System.

All mail in BFC is delivered to the SP/UKBC work address through the BFPO system. There are no house deliveries; all post is distributed through unit post rooms. It is important that all mail sent through the BFPO system is addressed correctly to ensure a smooth delivery to its destination.

Definitions of mail types and special concessions for British Forces Cyprus detailing size and weight definitions can be found on the BFPO website.

Mail to the Service personnel (Military/Civil Servant)Mail to family members of a service person (Military/Civil Servant)
Rank/Title and name
Service number
Family member name
c/o Rank/Title and name
Service number
BFPO No.5759585357

Under no circumstances are you to put Cyprus on the address. If you need to put a country in the address, then use “United Kingdom”.

What is my Postcode? 

BFPO 53 (Episkopi) – BF1 2AS

BFPO 57 (Akrotiri) – BF1 2AT

BFPO 58 (Dhekelia) – BF1 2AU

BFPO 59 (Ayios Nikoaos) – BF1 2AW

What is my address online?

Name: e.g. Pte Jones

Street: ‘57’ (i.e. BFPO number)

Town: BFPO

County: e.g. Air Traffic Control

Postcode: e.g. BF1 2AT

EU Transition

Following the UK exit from the EU, parcel post is subject to Republic of Cyprus Customs & Immigration checks. Personnel are advised to follow the latest guidance on the SBAA Customs webpage.

Commercial Mail

Many companies and/or carriers deliver directly to BFPO without going through the Royal Mail system. By having a contract, they are paying for surface rate service not airmail. This ultimately means that customers can use companies to have goods delivered to a BFPO address within the limits of the size and weight restrictions. It can take between 18–22 days for a parcel to arrive once loaded at BFPO. A full list and more information regarding this can be found at the BFPO website.

Please note that BFPO UK will return any parcel they receive without a Customs declaration. You will need to check with your supplier before placing an order to establish if they will place a customs declaration on the parcel.

Running Businesses using the BFPO System

BFPO is a non-profit making organisation; it is therefore against the rules for entitled personnel to use the postal system for financial gain. If someone wishes to run a business, they must use the Cypriot General Post Office to send and receive all mails relating to that business.


Fixed telephone and broadband packages are available in Cyprus. The two main providers are Cyta and Cosmos, more information about these providers can be found via their websites or in stores.

If you live in SFA, your accommodation will be fitted with a telephone port but will not be connected to a service or have a telephone; the same applies to Single Living Accommodation (SLA). Cyprus uses the same telephone connections as the UK.

Mobile phones

Certain mobile phone providers in the UK are signed up to the Armed Forces Covenant and will waive fees when using your mobile phone in Cyprus. Before being posted, contact your phone provider to see if there is anything they can provide for you. Additionally many of the companies will offer “Roaming” packages allowing you to use your UK plan abroad for a small fee, avoiding significant charges for minutes, texts and data.

Local network providers such as Cyta, Epic and Primetel offer phone and SIM contracts in Cyprus (this would require your mobile phone to be unlocked) and are comparable in price to UK companies.

Facebook Groups

Numerous Facebook groups are available to SP/UKBC and their families in Cyprus. These groups are not officially endorsed or monitored by BFC and as such personnel should be cautious about not disclosing sensitive personal or military information on these groups. A huge number of questions can be answered by using the search function on the following Facebook groups:

– BFC Info

– BFC-Cars

– BFCBay-Vehicles

– BFCBay

– BFC – Be Safe on Island

Be wary of groups which are set as Public or Open, these do not vet members so often you will find an increase in “spam” posts, fake links in an attempt to steal your data, identity or money, and members outside of the intended community.