A Message from Commander British Forces

Congratulations on your assignment to Cyprus, one of 14 UK Overseas Territories and the only one governed through the Ministry of Defence. I am delighted that you are inbound to this jewel of an island in the Eastern Mediterranean which hosts the UK’s largest overseas base, sitting on a geo-strategic highway, with the ability to influence multiple operational regions. Whatever your rank, grade or post, you will be at the forefront of delivering and enabling these 24/7 operations, all of which make major contributions to UK defence and security objectives. The operational focus is professionally satisfying and you will broaden and deepen your knowledge, skills and experience in this unique operating environment. We are blessed with a rich and diverse British and Cypriot workforce who work collaboratively within our ‘One Team’ to deliver our multiple outputs, many of them in close cooperation with our friends in the Republic of Cyprus.
A posting to Cyprus is not just about professional opportunity, there are countless other personal opportunities that are on offer to you and family members. Cyprus offers great weather, fascinating history and culture, and provides endless opportunities for social, sporting, adventurous training and travel within the region.
As you prepare to join us, you will be rightly thinking about how to make the most of your time. Once you have settled in, I kindly ask that you consider what you might offer to enrich our community? Much of what is on offer here is built upon volunteer spirit and there are some great things for you to get involved in as a volunteer – whether it’s helping to run our cinemas, walking the beaches to safeguard turtle nesting or supporting our Air and Army Cadets (and everything in between); do please give it some thought. Whether you are unaccompanied or coming with your family, come ready to integrate into our ‘One Team’ and family community, to take full advantage of all that is on offer.
It is in this context that we share this website with you. You will find a wealth of useful information which should ease your arrival and help you adjust to your new surroundings. If you still cannot find the answer to your question, do please contact the HIVE or Unit welfare staff in the first instance; the staff there will be able to answer your queries or redirect you as appropriate. Do also take the time to invest in your professional preparation on the Defence Learning Environment. You will find a series of briefs designed to keep you safe and set you up for success.
Welcome to the Sovereign Base Areas and British Forces Cyprus, please seek out those rich cultural opportunities and help our on-base and local communities to thrive. Be adventurous, be involved and be safe.
How to use this site
Use the headings at the top of the page to navigate around the site, the search bar can also help you to find specific information included within the site.
This is a constantly evolving platform, so please be aware that not all information will be available and some links may not be working. If you do spot anything amiss or you have some up-to-date information that you think it would be useful for the site to hold, then please contact the website admin team at BFC-HQ-CmntyWebManager@mod.gov.uk