Employment within BFC for spouses/civil partners is limited; however, jobs do exist in several areas. This should be borne in mind before committing to an assignment/posting to BFC/SBAA. Employment is broken down into the following categories:

UKFM jobs

These jobs are predominantly for a spouse or civil partner of BFC Military personnel or Civil Servants; it is realistic to state that opportunities for UKFM positions are limited.

Positions are advertised on the SBAA website and internally on sharepoint sites.

When you arrive in Cyprus, you should regularly monitor Job Adverts for Family Member status personnel. You can also register with your local HIVE to receive the Job Vacancy email for locally employed staff (BFC/SBAA).

If you see a position that you would like to apply for, complete the application form available on the SBAA vacancies webpage and submit to Civ HR together with your Status Stamp details for consideration.

Local employment

Positions outside of UKFM jobs but inside the SBA/Camp are available but limited, these are mainly in the service industry sector, covering shop assistants, domestic assistants, catering, etc.


It is possible to consider working for yourself whilst you are assigned to Cyprus.

UKFM’s can apply for a business license to work within the SBA’s but such applications are only approved if it is deemed there is a military requirement within the SBAs for the proposed business activity. Business License applications and further information can be obtained from the Fiscal Office or SBAA wesbite.

If you wish to run a private business you must use the local Cypriot Post Office, or external courier, to send and receive all mail relating to that business.

One business activity that remains popular is Registered Childminders. If you are a registered childminder (stay registered) or you are thinking of becoming one, contact the SSAFA coordinator at your new location via childcarecyprus@forcessocialwork.com.

Base support group

The BSG is a pool of part-time, locally engaged ex-service personnel who can undertake routine tasks to mitigate manning shortfalls or to meet a surge in requirement for a maximum of 90 days per annum.

The concept uses individuals with previous service, skills, and experience to register pending an employment opportunity. This is open to previous members of all three services who would enlist with the RAF-Reserve and retain uniform, an ID card and base privileges such as use of the gym and mess membership.

Members of the BSG serve on Volunteer ex-Regular Reserve (VeRR) terms of service within the RAF-R as set out in AP3392 Volume 7. Individuals joining this cadre would be expected to be qualified and have relevant experience within their respective Branch or Trade from previous service and would transfer in their current rank.

Under VeRR there would be no requirement to complete GS Mod 1, MATTS, RAFFT or receive an annual appraisal. Normal attendance-based pay arrangements would apply as set out in AP3392 Vol 7.

This is a flexible arrangement with no compulsion on BFC to offer reserve service days and equally no compulsion on the individual to work when asked; the offer would be a voluntary engagement with no enforceable commitment either way (very similar to agency bank nurses or supply teachers).

The HIVE, BFC J1 Standing Order 33,  Part 1, and HQ BFC J1 (BFC-HQ-J1-GpMailbox@mod.gov.uk) can provide further details.